Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Beginning of the Rest of my Life

I have finally taken the plunge and began my very own blog.  I must admit that I am semi-obsessed with blogs.  I get so inspired when I find a blog where the author is completely and utterly passionate about life or a hobby that interests me.  I feel it links you to that person and even though you don't know them, you feel like they are a long lost friend.  But they are not an old friend, they are a new friend!  What is better than having a new friend?  Well if I may be honest, the only thing better than a new friend is a new friend you can learn from!  Can you imagine the amount of information available to us now-a-days --- anything is possible.  Anything can be learned, practiced, and eventually mastered.  This blog is my journey of exactly that.  By no means am I a master at quilting...I am merely a beginner!  So come along with me as I learn, practice, and hopefully one day master a piece of my heritage...who knows maybe we can learn something together.

Alas!  I will let you take a peek at my very first quilt!
The printed fabric is Adoring by Sandy Gervais for Moda Fabrics.  The white fabric has a cute, little swirl design in it and is from Joann Fabrics.

You may ask why a Christmas quilt in January? I will tell you three reasons:
1. I think we should celebrate Christmas all year.  I have even thought about leaving a Christmas tree up all year and decorating it for each holiday/season.  Would that be a sin?

2. I love Christmas so much that I have Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer footed pajamas and wear my Christmas socks all year long. Hey now...don't judge me!

3. I snagged all of this beautiful fabric for a whopping 50% off!  Completely awesome, especially since it is Moda!

Now, if you don't tell...I am going to snuggle with this baby as soon as it is done! Updates on this beauty to come very soon...I swear!

Until then I wish you all much Peace, Love, and Quilting!


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